Buy them at Artillery Design

The Manchester poster is 18"x24" and 5 colors (the water is a metallic blend).
And for those who have asked Brad, the concept does have to deal with the black
swan theory, or rather the fabricated appearance of the black swan theory.
They tell us what is happening with the world economies is a black swan,
something thought to be impossible to exist or to ever come to pass, something
no one could have anticipated... yet it's not too hard to see that when that
swan goes in the water, it was never black to begin with...
" I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can,
and do, create money... And they who control the credit of the nation direct
the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny
of the people."
- Reginald McKenna, 1924 (Chancellor of the Exchequer of the Bank of England
from 1915-1916)
The Toronto poster is 24" x 14.5" and is 7 colors.
Both posters will be $60 plus shipping.
Brad will be attending Flatstock on Sept. 5th - 7th in Seattle at the annual
Bumbershoot music festival as well as The Rock Poster Society show on
October 10th in San Francisco. He will be selling half of these posters on his
site on Tuesday August 22nd at 1 PM PST, and the other half he will be
selling at these two events.

"Cloak and Veil"
The folks over at The Faded Clothing Line Co. asked Brad if he wanted to join
their roster of artists for some of their upcoming projects and he said "sure".
The first thing they wanted to do was make an art print and a puzzle out of
the grim reaper off of the 2006 Pearl Jam DC poster. There will be 3 versions:
a puzzle, an art print on paper, and an art print on metal. He will be selling
copies of the two art prints at Flatstock and all 3 versions will be for sale
at When I know the date for that I will let you all
know too. Brad made some slight alterations to the image...

Yet to be named Hawaii art print
He should also have these at flatstock as well, he may make a few changes
here and there, but you get the idea...
And to think Ed rejected this poster over the other one for his Hawaii show. Rock stars need to stick to making music and let the artist do their thing.
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