From Jermaine
One last thing: some of you in Houston, Texas or El Paso, Texas have seen Jermaine's first concert poster in a while hanging in select places around your communities. It's for upcoming shows by Morrissey. About the imagery, Jermaine says, ''This is the first concert print commission I've accepted in 7 months... and it didn't take a lot of arm twisting: it's for Mr. Morrissey. The image takes place in a nightclub which has appeared as the setting for another print I did a year or so ago for RADIOHEAD. It's a freaky kind of place where in the low-lights, sweet smells, and loud music...any weird thing can happen. Moz sits flanked by 2 of his heroes...'The Slider' and Jimmy Dean." We've already begun to receive a flood of emails asking about this one. It will be available, soon. Stay tuned in.
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