From DD:
just as a quick note, i stopped into Dieselfuel in portland OR, creation point for a few of my larger past art prints, on my way home from seattle and Flatstock, to work on a print today with ben and andy. im not 100% on the title yet, as im still sort of toying with the mythology of whats going on in my head. the intention is to do a rather small edition of this image and hand brush the sky before the line art goes down and touch up highlights and washes and make each one unique in some way, so the final image should look pretty different than what youre seeing above. how far this will go, im not sure, but weve got all day to see. i finished this up late late last night around 4am so im more or less running on fumes today, as i have been for weeks and weeks honestly. thanks life… UNFORTUNATELY, i dont have my proper camera with me today, so photos will be sort of minimal but i DO have my tiny video camera so ill try to get a sort of “process video” if i can.
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